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Сьемочный процесс

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Не знал, куда еще можно упихать его. Упихал сюда. Очень сильная видюха с самым большим количесnвом вырезок из "Новолуния", каких я когда-либо видел...



Я сегодня будузлым скепттиком.
1. я не люблю, когдавставляютв клипы сцены из других фильмыв
2. у меня вызывает подозрения, что некоторые кадры реально из новолунья...


Isabella Swan
От сходим вместе в кинотеатр и посмотрим! ^ ^

5 - вот тут официальные промо-ролики к Новолунью.


И-и-и-ита-а-а-а-а-ак! )))

Ряд видео сделанных эксклюзивно для Entertainment Tonight:

Две части однгого ролика.

И вторая...

И ещё один ролик в двух частях:

И вторая...


В последнем ролике приличный отрывок со сьемок эпизода Белла и Джейкоб.
Плюс, часто мелькает эпизод, когда Джейк бежит мсо всех ног, видимо вытаскивать нырнувшую Беллу.


Нашел на своем лицензионном диске такую вещь, как просмотр фильма с закадровыми комментариями главных актеров - Роба и Кристен - на пару с режисером.
"Итак, он красит губы, носит дурацкую прическу и исполняет цирковые трюки!" - реальная оценка Роба персонажа, им сыгранного! ))))


Гы.... ))))))


Белла ты была права насчет ролика Эдварда,Почти все отрывки из фильмов "Посланики","Говори" и "Сделка с дьяволом".


Alice Cullen
Ага ) Я ему потом даже называла этот же список)))


«Затмение» наконец-то обрело режиссёра

После нескольких совершенно разных слухов, включая Дрю Бэрримор, как постановщицу третьей части вампирской саги, студия Summit определилась с режиссёром «Затмения». Картину поставит Дэвид Слэйд, на счету которого триллер «Леденец» и хоррор «30 дней ночи».

Дэвид Слэйд должен будет срочно включаться в работу над «Затмением», поскольку Summit планирует выпустить его уже 30 июня 2010 года. Над сценарием будет работать всё та же Мелисса Розенберг, которая адаптировала к экрану книги Стефани Майер «Сумерки» и «Новолуние».

В третьей книге Белла Суон уже заканчивает школу, на носу выпускной, а в мире вампиров и оборотней разгорается нешуточная война. Возле Сиэтла прокатывается волна загадочных убийств, один очень серьёзно настроенный вампир ищет мести, а отношения Беллы и Эдварда Каллена затрудняются.

«Я очень рада, что Дэвид Слэйд будет снимать «Затмение», - говорит автор вампирской саги, Стефани Майер. – У него потрясающее видение, так что думаю, он многое сможет предложить нашей франшизе. С самого начала нам везло и с нами работали замечательные режиссёры. Очень здорово, что «Затмение» продолжит традицию».

Один из глав Summit добавляет: «Книга Стефани Майер «Затмение» очень сильная, богатая и яркая, так что мы искали режиссёра, который смог бы адекватно перенести её на экран. Нам кажется, что Дэвид Спэйд – как раз то, что надо. Он уже доказал своё умение создавать сложные и неординарные миры».

Картина «Сумерки» вышла на экраны в прошлом году и собрала в мировом прокате 350 миллионов долларов. Роберт Паттинсон моментально проснулся главным героем девичьих грёз по всему миру, а Summit куёт железо, пока горячо. Крис Вайц сейчас снимает вторую часть, «Новолуние». Лента должна выйти в прокат уже 20 ноября этого года.

Англичанин Дэвид Слэйд некоторое время назад был приписан к экранизации романа Нила Геймана «Задверье». Он начинал свою карьеру, как клипмейкер и снимал видео для Aphex Twin, Stone Temple Pilots, The Stereophonics, Muse и других групп. Дебютировал в кино триллером «Леденец», в котором заставил номинантку на «Оскар» Эллен Пейдж измываться над Патриком Уилсоном.



И сьемки!!!





Edward Cullen
Ага.... ))))


А вот, что я нашла... Похоже, что это стая квиллетов)




Isabella Swan
Моя красавица!!!!


Alice Cullen


According to Life & Style Magazine–which tends to exaggerate rumors–there will be some substantial changes in the New Moon movie compared to the book. There are some changes we’ve heard of, like Edward appearing as images rather than voices, but there are some changes we haven’t–

Apparently, Bella takes a more daredevil approach in the film, pushing fate in order to make Edward appear to her.

Filmmakers couldn’t resist Robert Pattinson’s draw, and instead of coming to Bell as a disembodied voice, he appears like an apparition…or like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. To which Pattinson expresses some concern, saying, “I really wanted it to be a complete absence. It’s easier to give it more power at the end if I’m completely absent.”

There’s also an action-packed scene wherein Laurent fights back against the werewolves who destroy him in the book.

Additionally, in the book Edward says he will turn Bella into a vampire only if they marry. In the movie, however, he offers a different ultimatum. ©

Меня заинтересовало последнее... каким же будет ультиматум?..


Robert Pattinson tells Risky Biz his thoughts on 'New Moon'

Robert Pattinson, who soared to global stardom in "Twilight" and has just committed to a screen adaptation of the fourth installment in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling series, is more than just a pretty face. The actor, who didn't go to acting school, talks to The Hollywood Reporter U.K. Bureau Chief Stuart Kemp in Cannes about how long it might take to fall in love, why he doesn't care who directs him as long as it's a good script and losing his car.

THR: Have you been to Cannes before?

Pattinson: I came here on holiday once when I was 12 but not since. I wouldn't appreciate it (here) as a holiday now.

THR: Let's talk about "Twilight." There are four books. Is the plan for you to do them all?

Pattinson: I have committed to the fourth one, "Breaking Dawn." But I don't know quite when Summit is going to shoot it because of my schedule.

THR: How is the script for "New Moon" different from the second book?

Pattinson: It kind of plays relatively close to it. I would still describe it as being a sort of supporting role (to Bella's story). I think it would have been a bit cheesy if it had just stayed as a voiceover part as my character is a voice in her head in the second book. They've shot these hallucination bits of the film. You're playing a figment of Bella's imagination and I was trying to do it in a really 2-D kind of way. I hope it doesn't come out flat and boring (laughs).

THR: What's the schedule for "New Moon"?

Pattinson: We've got four days left on the shoot for this. I'm going to Italy for the remaining days of the shoot. 

THR: And then?

Pattinson: Then I'm going straight into filming (the relationship drama) "Remember Me," then have just three days off before going back to finishing up the third instalment in the "Twilight" series, "Eclipse." After that I am doing a film "Unbound Captives." I can't say much about that but I know the script needs me to learn Comanche! Maybe it'll be like in "Dances With Wolves!" My part is entirely in Comanche, ha ha.

THR: You've been shooting sequences from the second and third in the "Twilight" franchise at the same time. Is that harder for an actor than doing separate films?

Pattinson: Not really. We will just shoot the Vancouver bits (for 'Eclipse`') and then "Moon" is out later this year.

THR: How did "Remember Me" come about?

Pattinson: I read the script last summer and then met with (director) Allen Coulter and really liked it. It's quite a simple story but there was something about the character and way he spoke that was very similar to the way I speak. There is a naturalism to the writing and I really felt a connection to it.

THR: What's the script about?

Pattinson: I read somewhere it was being described as the modern day "Love Story." It isn't anything like "Love Story." It ("Remember Me") is really hard to describe. It about a 23-year-old guy and knowing someone for six weeks. You don't just fall in love and say, I'm in love, after six weeks. It's really a relationship story. It's very natural and the characters are incredibly real and well scripted. It's one of the few scripts I've read where you finish and realize you didn't really want it to end. I have no qualms in saying that (writer) Jenny (Lumet) is a genius.

THR: How so?

Pattinson: I went up to her house one weekend and we all hung out there and just chatted about the script and asked me what I wanted from it. She worked on the draft and about a week later she delivered this script. She'd captured little bits of my voice and all the inflections and mannerisms I have. The character in the script is quite similar to me.

THR: Playing yourself?

Pattinson: You can only really play yourself in a role once every 15 years I think (laughs). And you can only do it if its a good script and captures you properly. It is very therapeutic actually.

THR: Where and when?

Pattinson: It is set in NYC and will shoot there for eight weeks.

THR: You sound like you enjoyed helping with the writing of "Remember Me." A frustrated writer?

Pattinson: No, it's great when someone else is doing the writing for you.

THR: How do you see your career to date?

Pattinson: I didn't go to acting school, I fell into it. I don't really have conventional taste, and I want to only do films that I feel will be beneficial to my life. What we've molded with "Remember Me" is a very exciting and subtle work. I don't really understand acting as acting. I'm definitely not one of those people who can just look scared when they're told to by a director.

THR: How do you select projects?

Pattinson: If there's a good script I don't care who the director is that is attached. I like the most random scripts and I am really close friends with my agent. She really gets me and knows my taste. Occasionally she'll say, "I've got this really awful script but maybe you should read it anyway," and I look at a page and agree with her. I barely ever like scripts actually. After I did "Twilight," I really wanted to work but just didn't see a script I liked. I ended up doing nothing for a whole year. It was frustrating.

THR: Did the huge global success of "Twilight" affect you as an actor?

Pattinson: I prefer to do nothing than something stupid. I feel there's so much pressure because of this idea of career. It's a little worrying. It made so much money that now you get judged not by how good the film is but how much money the film your in is making. That's the scary thing now.

THR: Presumably there will is the hope that people who like you from "Twilight" will go and see "Remember Me"?

Pattinson: It's going to be helped by that. I just hope when people go and see it, they don't say, "Edward wouldn't do that." That's not going to be good!

THR: Do you still have a place in London?

Pattinson: I gave up my flat a year ago. I'm not really living anywhere at the moment because basically I am constantly working and on the road. 

THR: Nothing to ground you?

Pattinson: I don't even remember where I left my car (in Los Angeles). It's probably been towed away by now. that's my only immovable possession and now I don't know where it is! (Laughs.) It was important to me because it was the first car I ever bought. Made me feel like a man, buying a car.

May 19, 2009 in Twilight | Permalink … light.html


Ня!!! КАДРЫ!!! ДА КАКИЕ!...


сьемки сцены с джаспером, я так понимаю... )))


О БОЖЕ!!!!!!!!!!
самые ожидаемые - по крайней мере мной - кадры:


Подробная раскадровка со сьемок!!!





На MTV Movie Awards в эту субботу будет презентация.... первого офяициального трейлера!!!!!!!!


ВАаааааааХХХ!!! >_________< Значит, вытащат тут же на Тьюб!!!

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